LIBR is pleased to announce that Dr. Ryan Smith, Associate Research Professor, has been awarded a $900,000 grant between 2022-2024 from the Wellbeing for Planet Earth Foundation. The grant title is “Using active inference to uncover the neurocomputational mechanisms that contribute to well-being and their potential differences across diverse populations”. The research will include up to 700 individuals using both online and in-person approaches to complete the work. Through data collection using self-report measures, decision-making tasks, and computational analyses, the team seeks to better understand how one’s beliefs and behavior from a cultural standpoint may be related to health outcomes and how learning from new experiences may or may not change those beliefs to influence the way we make decisions. “On behalf of LIBR, our laboratory is thrilled with the Wellbeing for Planet Earth Foundation award,” said Ryan Smith, Ph.D. “This funding makes possible the collaborative advancement of new methods to improve emotional and physical wellbeing for society while also laying the groundwork for new directions to improve subjective wellbeing within and/or across cultures.” Congratulations to Dr. Smith and his LIBR laboratory!
Our LIBR 2021 annual report publication provides an overview of last year's happenings at the Laureate Institute for Brain Research. In the report below, you will find a letter from the president, Dr. Martin Paulus, information on our mission, history and specific aims, current areas of research, funding sources, events and lectures, awards, individual laboratories, selected publications and opportunities to participate in research. We hope you enjoy the publication and look forward to continuing our goal to improve mental health through neuroscience in 2022 and beyond.
July 2024